
Showing posts with the label HealthandWellness

Staying Home? Don’t Let Your Fitness Goals Take a Backseat

Staying home for a long time actually causes too much stress especially, during this quarantine period. The COVID-19 pandemic has left us all with no options but to stay home. All the malls, parks, parties, colleges, etc. were shut down, as a part of complete lockdown. Hence, the options to spend your day were reduced to almost half as you can’t go to school, or office or party or even gym but to simply stay home by watching Netflix or cooking your favorite dish. Did you realize how much your body has changed as you ditched workouts and basic exercises? It doesn’t matter if you are not a fitness lover(who regularly goes to the gym) or the one who had never gone to the gym. The regular exercises like a little walk or small movements of your knees & arms were all cut down as you are not stepping out of the home. Did you know this gains you weight, weakens your strength and makes you even lazier? Do not panic! This article helps you learn how to get back on track to keep your body

Simple Ways to Build Immunity

The rapid increase of new diseases and deadly viruses are making humans more conscious about their health. Therefore there is a huge increase in the consumption of medicines and supplementation when compared with past years. As medicines are used for curing the diseases after being affected, we keep it aside. But can supplements alone help you fight against diseases? Or, what do you think is the best way to fight against fatal diseases and viruses? Agreed that, all the viruses or diseases do not take away the lives, but even a small change in your body might sometimes bring a huge change in your lifestyle. Do you agree? So, what does your body need to fight against those harmful viruses? The perfect and only answer is building immunity power. Yes, there is a great need for people(especially these days) to boost their immunity for facing the new challenges related to health. Because people with lower immunity power have high chances to get infected with diseases. What is immunity?