
Beginer's Workout to Boost Immunity

Every human is blessed with great strength to fight against diseases caused by micro-organisms. In fact, this strength is called immunity power. The higher the immunity power in a person, the lower he/she gets infected with diseases. So, everybody needs good immunity to protect themselves from harmful infections and fatal diseases. But, how do you boost your immunity in order to keep yourself safe from diseases? Well, exercises are the best way to boost your immunity. Yes, giving your body a proper amount of stress to gain strength in the right way is the best and only way to improve your immunity. However, there are many people who misunderstand the concept of exercising and immunity-boosting. Exercise can help you in boosting your immunity, but it doesn’t mean you have to overdo heavy workouts for long hours. In fact, anything that exceeds will finally harm, the same goes for exercising. A normal adult should have to workout for less than 2 hours a day, and the best duration is 45

Why Mindful Eating is Key to Emotional Wellness

Did you know that your eating habits impact your mental health along with your physical health? If your answer is a question, how? Then you might not know much about mindful eating. And its high time to learn about this amazing technique in order to keep yourself well physically and mentally. Mindful eating is putting all your senses on your food while you eat. Simply put, being aware of what you are eating, when you are eating, why you are eating and how you are eating? Confused? Then let’s discuss in-depth about what is mindful eating and why is it important. What is Mindful Eating? The Mindful Eating concept was first started in 1979 by Kabat-Zinn who developed a Mindfulness-based stress reduction program. Mindful eating was developed from the concept of Mindfulness, a practice of meditation derived from Buddhist traditions. Briefly, Mindfulness simply means paying attention closely to the present moment with no complaints. Hope now you can relate what mindful eating means.

Your Healthy Quarantine Grocery List

Well, the pandemic has finally made us lookout for only important things in our life, food, shelter and clothing. However, we are not discussing anything about clothing and shelter as this article serves only with a healthy list of groceries you need during this quarantine. Have you realized that you have enough time, actually more than enough, to adopt a healthy lifestyle and boost your immunity? Agreed, you cannot have all the healthy raw or canned food items available as the eCommerce is shut down partially while completely closed in some areas. But you can stock up necessary healthy grocery items to your pantry from your nearest grocery stores. Moreover, you need to have a healthy diet that contributes some energy to your body to fight against infections, especially during this critical time. Wondering what foods serve the best with high nutrients, proteins and vitamins for you? Well, this article is a complete guide for your healthy quarantine grocery list. So, shall we di

Stressed During The Quarantine? 4 ways to feel better

The Pandemic has introduced us to a new uncertainty. And this is what that is scaring people to the core. Studies say that the quarantine due to deadly COVID-19 has created a new level of stress in people. This stress may further extend to low mood, depression, frequent mood swings etcetera. Feeling stressed is acceptable due to the fear of infection and beyond for both voluntarily quarantined and involuntarily quarantined. Moreover, the end of this pandemic is not in our hands neither in any ones. The only way to keep ourselves safe from being affected is through quarantine and isolation. Staying home for a long time for some uncertain period is painful, as you are restricted to perform your routine and favorite activities at offices, schools, parties etc. But did you realize that you have got a colossal amount of time in your hands for yourself, only yourself? Yes, the feeling of stress completely changes when you look into the other hidden side of the current situation. However,

Staying Home? Don’t Let Your Fitness Goals Take a Backseat

Staying home for a long time actually causes too much stress especially, during this quarantine period. The COVID-19 pandemic has left us all with no options but to stay home. All the malls, parks, parties, colleges, etc. were shut down, as a part of complete lockdown. Hence, the options to spend your day were reduced to almost half as you can’t go to school, or office or party or even gym but to simply stay home by watching Netflix or cooking your favorite dish. Did you realize how much your body has changed as you ditched workouts and basic exercises? It doesn’t matter if you are not a fitness lover(who regularly goes to the gym) or the one who had never gone to the gym. The regular exercises like a little walk or small movements of your knees & arms were all cut down as you are not stepping out of the home. Did you know this gains you weight, weakens your strength and makes you even lazier? Do not panic! This article helps you learn how to get back on track to keep your body

Simple Ways to Build Immunity

The rapid increase of new diseases and deadly viruses are making humans more conscious about their health. Therefore there is a huge increase in the consumption of medicines and supplementation when compared with past years. As medicines are used for curing the diseases after being affected, we keep it aside. But can supplements alone help you fight against diseases? Or, what do you think is the best way to fight against fatal diseases and viruses? Agreed that, all the viruses or diseases do not take away the lives, but even a small change in your body might sometimes bring a huge change in your lifestyle. Do you agree? So, what does your body need to fight against those harmful viruses? The perfect and only answer is building immunity power. Yes, there is a great need for people(especially these days) to boost their immunity for facing the new challenges related to health. Because people with lower immunity power have high chances to get infected with diseases. What is immunity?