Fitness Training Types - Different Methods of Fitness Training you Should Know

Most people struggle to achieve fitness though they are engaged with some or the other fitness training programs. Only fewer people see the results in a shorter time. The reason is quite simple, they follow the rules and listen to their body. It is not about how much time you are spending in your home gym or on the roads, running. It is all about how your body is responding to what you are doing. 

With plenty of fitness tips available on the internet today, people are becoming overwhelmed. They are either trying whatever the fitness workouts they’ve discovered on the internet or getting engaged to a single type of fitness program they have loved. But neither of those works. If you are really serious about being fit, you need to decide what exactly you want.

Best Methods of Fitness Training

There are different types of fitness methods that work for different people based on their strengths and goals. This article helps you with 4 different methods of fitness training which you should know. But before that, you need to do something. Take a paper and jot down your fitness goals. Is it weight loss or body toning, or building strength and immunity or improving your athletic performance etc. You can’t witness the results unless you know your goals.

Discovered your goals? Then let’s find which fitness method works for you.

Different Methods of Fitness Training

Cardiovascular Fitness Training

Cardio exercise works for anyone and mostly to the people who are prone to heart diseases. Studies say, performing 150 minutes of cardio workouts per week reduces health risks. No matter what your goal is, be it losing weight, gaining shape, flexibility, or just aiming to get healthier, cardio is right for you. 

Cardio exercises include running, swimming, brisk walking, rowing etc. They also need some equipment like a stationary cycle, treadmill, rowing machine, and stepping machine. However, you can improve your cardio health with no-equipment exercises also, if you plan to work out at home.

Cardio exercises strengthen your cardiovascular system by raising your heart rate to a threshold where you will burn most of the calories.


  • Weight loss - burns calories and fat faster
  • Improves your heart functionality
  • Increases metabolism
  • Reduces risks of chronic illnesses such as heart attack, high cholesterol, cancer, and high blood pressure
  • Increases bone density
  • Lowers stress

HIIT (Interval Training)

If your health is risk-free, then you are good to go with this fitness training. HIIT is nothing but High-Intensity Interval Training. This has gained huge popularity in recent years as the workout process is fun, short and shows results faster. HIIT concentrates more on the intensity of workouts and rest periods. 

You can practice any exercise that can be done with high intensity taking regular intervals. For instance, if you do a set of burpees, take 10 seconds rest. If you workout for 30 seconds, take 15 to 30 seconds of rest.

The following are a few exercises that go well with HIIT.

  • Butt kicker
  • Lunges
  • Squats
  • Plank hold
  • Burpees


  • Burns calories, weight loss
  • Improves muscle mass
  • Balances blood pressure, blood sugar and heart rate
  • Tones body

Flexibility Training

Flexibility is all you want to do any task easier. Moreover, being flexible will prevent falls and injuries. If you have found out that flexibility is your fitness goal, then the simpler options are yoga and pilates. Other than improving flexibility, flexibility exercises will lower stress, enhance mood and improve posture. 

Circuit Training

Circuit training looks similar to HIIT but rather than working on the whole body at a time, this focuses on single muscle groups each time. Some examples of circuit training exercises are:

  • Squats
  • Push-ups
  • Dumbbell rows
  • Jumping jacks
  • Walking Lunges
  • Dips


  • Improves muscle strength
  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Boosts metabolism

Final Words
No matter which fitness training method you’ve chosen, don’t forget to give your body some rest to recover. Especially, if you are a beginner it is highly recommended to perform any kind of exercise 3 times a week. You can try doing Zumba or lighter exercise during the rest of the days to keep yourself adhere to exercising.


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