Personal Fitness Plan – Fitness Plan that you can Do on your Own without Going to Gym

There are many reasons for one to quit going to the gym or quit the idea of joining a gym. Moreover, in order to get fit, the gym isn't the only place. As someone said, you can burn calories anywhere as the place doesn't matter. Yes, all you need is little motivation and time. If you have already set your fitness goals then your home is no less than a fitness studio. The only downside is you don't have a trainer to watch you. But still, thanks to the internet that allows you to access online fitness programs (provided with an online fitness coach who watches you), plenty of fitness videos and tutorials and how-to-guides like the one you are reading now. And that is why working out from home and home gym workout has gained huge popularity and so you see a lot of Do it Yourself articles and videos on the internet today. 

Personal fitness plan, working out from home

Overall, in order to stay fit and strong without even stepping out, working out from home is not at all a bad choice. In fact, workout from home plan keeps your motivation on and helps you adopt a healthy and disciplined lifestyle. Although, the other question unanswered here is how to work out from home and earn the best results. Relax! This article helps you enough to determine how to plan a fitness program yourself. No matter if you are completely a beginner who didn’t know the terms sets and reps or familiar with fitness training programs. You will learn to opt-in a fitness plan that works best for you. So, let's get into that now.

Personal fitness plan - do it yourself

Fitness training programs consist of three elements such as aerobic exercise, strength training and stretching workouts preceded by a warmup and followed by a cooldown.

Start your workout with warm-up exercises that increase your heart rate. Warm-up workouts include walking, jogging either outside or on a treadmill, or even slow cycling on a stationary bike. 

Aerobic or cardiovascular exercises

Increase the intensity of your walking or cycling to power up your heart rate and thus the cardiovascular exercise is covered for the day.

Aerobics exercises include running, swimming, cardio machines, dancing, kickboxing, jump roping etc.

You can work for 30 minutes at least three times a week.

Strength or Endurance training

Simple squats, push-ups, crunches are the best strength training workouts to improve your tolerance. Slowly work with dumbells, bands, weight bars to move to the next level in your strength training. Overall, make sure you work on each muscle group either separately or together in strength training.

Practice strength training exercises twice a week and give your body time to recover in the remaining days. Because it is during the rest days your body strengthens your muscles. 

A 25-minute strength training for at least twice a week is much enough to build your muscles. You can choose to do HIIT which is a high-intensity workout that has almost the same effect.

Stretching workouts

Yoga poses are best the exercises that work effectively on flexibility. So, practice stretches that move your total body to improve your flexibility and avoid stiffness of muscles.

Always end your workout session with a cooldown as you need to bring your heart rate down to normal. And make it similar to your warmup. Say, cardiovascular exercises such as light jogging, upper body stretch, child pose etc.

Bottom Line

Though you are advised to exercise each workout for dedicated time, you can slow down and stop it when your body stopped supporting you. Especially if you are a beginner. Always take a talk test to verify if you can still workout. 


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