
How to stay fit during the Holiday season

 The exciting holiday season is around the corner! You might already pack your backs to head home. Oh, wait! Aren't we stuck at home forever during this pandemic? I know what you feel. But the difference this holiday season is you, finally getting relief from the never-ending hectic classes. Guest lists have become shorter, large gatherings switched to online meets, and going out is restricted! Amidst all this, how do you maintain your fitness goals? Do you workout in a home gym or would you rather subscribe to an online fitness training program?  Earlier, with work, you had a schedule to exercise. But now, the lazying around days begin, binge-watching, partying with friends might definitely sound like your holiday plan! Isn't it? One thing that's common in all these, is delicious food. Be it online or offline, grabbing tasty meals while attending social parties is obvious. Guiltily, you dig into the food, sulking of unavailability of time to workout.  A littl

How the internet made online fitness accessible

  From constantly searching for fitness studios in the newspaper to being just a click away from joining the promising fitness video classes , the way people reach their fitness goals transformed with the evolution of technology. Though there are timesavers for suitably scheduling fitness routines as per your convenience, there aren’t any shortcuts to shape a healthy body. 24 hours round the clock, we are keen on our choices in getting out of the home. Going to a gym during this pandemic time seems like a nightmare, setting alarm bells ringing for fitness enthusiasts.  Online fitness existed pre-pandemic, but the fitness industry has risen at an alarming rate during the lockdown. Unsurprisingly, the fitness centers which didn’t have an online presence are leveraging the internet to grab the eye-balls of fitness freaks. The internet has come to the rescue of fitness studios who are now rescuing fitness lovers through their services.  Immensely potential internet has provid

Personal Fitness Plan – Fitness Plan that you can Do on your Own without Going to Gym

There are many reasons for one to quit going to the gym or quit the idea of joining a gym. Moreover, in order to get fit, the gym isn't the only place. As someone said, you can burn calories anywhere as the place doesn't matter. Yes, all you need is little motivation and time. If you have already set your fitness goals then your home is no less than a fitness studio. The only downside is you don't have a trainer to watch you. But still, thanks to the internet that allows you to access online fitness programs (provided with an online fitness coach who watches you), plenty of fitness videos and tutorials and how-to-guides like the one you are reading now. And that is why working out from home and home gym workout has gained huge popularity and so you see a lot of Do it Yourself articles and videos on the internet today.  Overall, in order to stay fit and strong without even stepping out, working out from home is not at all a bad choice. In fact, workout from home p

Treadmill versus Running Outside: Best Exercise for Weight Loss

Well, we all know a treadmill is a good alternative for running. Yet, running is argued to be the best conventional exercise. Do you want to know why? Let’s see why running outside is considered the best exercise and which of them a treadmill or running outside is the fittest one for weight loss. Before that let’s see the benefits of each of them. Benefits of running on the treadmill  The treadmill is a more comfortable way to exercise as it can provide constant temperature throughout the exercise.  There is no headache of traffic while running outside and worry about weather.  Thus, this can be counted as a comfortable form of exercise when compared to running outside.  When using a treadmill, you can set the speed of ramp which is the pace of your running, which is either slow or speed.  Well, this particular feature is very helpful when you are preparing for a running event or for improving that pace control.   Since the treadmill provides different profiles such as hill profile, c

Workout on empty stomach; Good or bad

Have you ever wondered how skipping meals affects you? Do you think that skipping meals is healthy? Well, the answer is no. Before we explore the reasons behind this answer,  just observe that skipping meals is separate from dieting and it has a completely different nature. Anyhow, skipping meals is not healthy and there are thousands of surveys and studies carried out upon individuals to find out if skipping meals is good or not.  The results of those are very different for each other. The best-proven answer by them all is that it's healthy only in the proper way. Still, confused? Intermittent fasting is the proper way of skipping meals which helps you reduce fat and maintain weight loss . Every now and then cutting down the number of meals in a day and excluding a certain type of food or eating a little low is intermittent fasting! But, in some stressful and busy situations, people worry less about food and often skip their meals. Usually, for an office going person, this happens

Top 5 Foods Sources of Vitamin C

 Little do we know that vitamins are vital for a healthier life and the key to immunity. Among all the vitamins, vitamin C plays a very significant role in the human body. It comes under essential nutrients that help in quick healing of wounds, for healthier skin, and to develop stronger bones. It is also one of many antioxidants that are responsible to tackle certain free radicals. Free radicals are produced by us when exposed to tobacco, smoke, or any sort of radiation.  Also, their part is important in the production of blood vessels, ligaments, tendons, etc. But a human body cannot produce vitamin c on its own. It's synthesized always through the foods we consume. It is a water-soluble vitamin that accounts for positive effects on the human body. So note that food having these vitamins need to be consumed every now and then. Deficiency of vitamin c can lead to poor wound healing, bleeding of gums, and anemia etc. Make sure that you consume vitamin C rich foods to a

5 Hacks to Improve Your Dieting

Do you ever count on calories? Or work hard for dropping weight and getting into shape? Or already started dieting? Well if yes, we know these conditions suck when your favorite food is the least likely one to be on your diet. Especially when you are following a strict diet. Ok calm now, you can cheat on dieting while sustaining your fitness goals . Just adding a few hacks to your diet can improve your dieting, moreover, this might take a little time to adapt!. We all know shedding weight is not only great for health but it also proffers us with some self-confidence. But healthy dieting is always a drop back when work is the priority. Don't worry, you can always improve your dieting to fulfill your fitness goals. To boost up your eating habits or to improve your dieting, here are 5 tricks that you can put in place when you're grappling with your eating goals. 1. Maintain a Food Diary When it comes to eating, most people never really count on what they're consuming and how t