
Showing posts from October, 2020

Personal Fitness Plan – Fitness Plan that you can Do on your Own without Going to Gym

There are many reasons for one to quit going to the gym or quit the idea of joining a gym. Moreover, in order to get fit, the gym isn't the only place. As someone said, you can burn calories anywhere as the place doesn't matter. Yes, all you need is little motivation and time. If you have already set your fitness goals then your home is no less than a fitness studio. The only downside is you don't have a trainer to watch you. But still, thanks to the internet that allows you to access online fitness programs (provided with an online fitness coach who watches you), plenty of fitness videos and tutorials and how-to-guides like the one you are reading now. And that is why working out from home and home gym workout has gained huge popularity and so you see a lot of Do it Yourself articles and videos on the internet today.  Overall, in order to stay fit and strong without even stepping out, working out from home is not at all a bad choice. In fact, workout from home p

Treadmill versus Running Outside: Best Exercise for Weight Loss

Well, we all know a treadmill is a good alternative for running. Yet, running is argued to be the best conventional exercise. Do you want to know why? Let’s see why running outside is considered the best exercise and which of them a treadmill or running outside is the fittest one for weight loss. Before that let’s see the benefits of each of them. Benefits of running on the treadmill  The treadmill is a more comfortable way to exercise as it can provide constant temperature throughout the exercise.  There is no headache of traffic while running outside and worry about weather.  Thus, this can be counted as a comfortable form of exercise when compared to running outside.  When using a treadmill, you can set the speed of ramp which is the pace of your running, which is either slow or speed.  Well, this particular feature is very helpful when you are preparing for a running event or for improving that pace control.   Since the treadmill provides different profiles such as hill profile, c

Workout on empty stomach; Good or bad

Have you ever wondered how skipping meals affects you? Do you think that skipping meals is healthy? Well, the answer is no. Before we explore the reasons behind this answer,  just observe that skipping meals is separate from dieting and it has a completely different nature. Anyhow, skipping meals is not healthy and there are thousands of surveys and studies carried out upon individuals to find out if skipping meals is good or not.  The results of those are very different for each other. The best-proven answer by them all is that it's healthy only in the proper way. Still, confused? Intermittent fasting is the proper way of skipping meals which helps you reduce fat and maintain weight loss . Every now and then cutting down the number of meals in a day and excluding a certain type of food or eating a little low is intermittent fasting! But, in some stressful and busy situations, people worry less about food and often skip their meals. Usually, for an office going person, this happens

Top 5 Foods Sources of Vitamin C

 Little do we know that vitamins are vital for a healthier life and the key to immunity. Among all the vitamins, vitamin C plays a very significant role in the human body. It comes under essential nutrients that help in quick healing of wounds, for healthier skin, and to develop stronger bones. It is also one of many antioxidants that are responsible to tackle certain free radicals. Free radicals are produced by us when exposed to tobacco, smoke, or any sort of radiation.  Also, their part is important in the production of blood vessels, ligaments, tendons, etc. But a human body cannot produce vitamin c on its own. It's synthesized always through the foods we consume. It is a water-soluble vitamin that accounts for positive effects on the human body. So note that food having these vitamins need to be consumed every now and then. Deficiency of vitamin c can lead to poor wound healing, bleeding of gums, and anemia etc. Make sure that you consume vitamin C rich foods to a

5 Hacks to Improve Your Dieting

Do you ever count on calories? Or work hard for dropping weight and getting into shape? Or already started dieting? Well if yes, we know these conditions suck when your favorite food is the least likely one to be on your diet. Especially when you are following a strict diet. Ok calm now, you can cheat on dieting while sustaining your fitness goals . Just adding a few hacks to your diet can improve your dieting, moreover, this might take a little time to adapt!. We all know shedding weight is not only great for health but it also proffers us with some self-confidence. But healthy dieting is always a drop back when work is the priority. Don't worry, you can always improve your dieting to fulfill your fitness goals. To boost up your eating habits or to improve your dieting, here are 5 tricks that you can put in place when you're grappling with your eating goals. 1. Maintain a Food Diary When it comes to eating, most people never really count on what they're consuming and how t

Fitness goals in the time of Covid19

The lockdown due to COVID-19 Pandemic has stopped every one of us from doing many important activities. One of those major activities fitness workouts. The locks to the doors of the gym tempted most of the people to give a break to their fitness goals . But, is the lockdown really a barrier to reaching your fitness goals? One who loves being fit can never say yes. But the environment at home and lack of motivation make them ask for an excuse. The daily lazy routine, plentiful time to watch Netflix, fun with kids and moreover lack of a watchful eye will make people adapt to the lifestyle which has no exercise and health benefits in it. But can you afford to take back the oaths you pledged as a new year’s resolution or sometime before joining the gym? No right? Moreover, it is important for you to exercise regularly in order to stay physically and mentally active. So, here are the best ways to keep yourselves on track while reaching your fitness goals. Let’s look at tips without ado… Pro

Skipping Meals is Good or Bad?

Have you ever wondered how skipping meals affects you? Do you think that skipping meals is healthy? Well, the answer is no. Before we explore the reasons behind this answer,  just observe that skipping meals is separate from dieting and it has a completely different nature. Anyhow, skipping meals is not healthy and there are thousands of surveys and studies carried out upon individuals to find out if skipping meals is good or not.  The results of those are very different for each other. The best-proven answer by them all is that it's healthy only in the proper way. Still, confused? Intermittent fasting is the proper way of skipping meals which helps you reduce fat and maintain weight loss . Every now and then cutting down the number of meals in a day and excluding a certain type of food or eating a little low is intermittent fasting! But, in some stressful and busy situations, people worry less about food and often skip their meals. Usually, for an office going person, this happens

Working from Home? Here are some steps to improve your eating habits

When your home is now your new office and the kitchen is not far away from your seat, to withhold food while working feels like conflict right? On the other side, there's that slight stress of work that completely makes you forget to have a meal. Suddenly, a new assignment consumes all your time and then you would successfully skip the meal the whole day. Yes, this is all certainly a struggle for most of them working from home. But remember that you need to be in check with nutrition no matter how busy things get. Thus, these unhealthy eating habits must be altered and the below tips might help you with that! 1. Create a specified workspace Well, the kitchen is the only place in your entire house where you can get the token to get fat and unfit. So the most helpful option to avoid unhealthy eating habits is to keep a distance from the kitchen! Seems impossible right? it doesn't have to be. Simple as the name indicates, isolate your work area at as distant as possible from the k

Different types of fitness classes – Popular fitness classes

So, you have made the decision to shape your body, nourish your mind and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Great. But are you worried about which fitness class to choose from an ocean of fitness forms you see on the internet at the same time? Relax! It is obvious and you are not alone. Finding the right fitness class that suits you and your goals is a daunting task. But do not worry! You have landed on the right place.  This article guides you about different types of popular Online fitness classes and their benefits. So that you can pick the one which matches your goals and start your fitness training. The best part is all the fitness training programs can be practiced at home without the need for a watchful eye. Thanks to the internet.  Lets’ get started… Most popular fitness classes in 2020 Yoga Though Yoga is an ancient exercise form it is still one of the most effective and popular fitness forms. Millions of people around the world practice Yoga to keep their bodies flexible and fit. 

Fitness Training Exercises – 10 Best Fitness Training Exercises you Must Start Immediately

Getting fit might be tough, but it is not impossible. In fact, you can get fit and healthy much easier than you imagine, if you exercise properly. Yes, along with a proper diet, exercising helps you to cut excess calories and keeps you in shape. And who doesn’t crave fit, healthier and stronger body?  As the saying goes, your body is the only place you have to live in. So, it is highly necessary for you to take care of your body and nourish it with proper ingredients. Undoubtedly, exercising is the best ingredient that tones your body as you want.  Thankfully there are multiple ways you can find fitness training exercises such as online fitness platforms , online fitness live classes , tutorial videos, fitness blogs , etc. if you don’t want to step out to the gym. But we know identifying what fitness exercises work for you from a thousand varieties of exercises you witness online is a daunting task. True, there are millions of blogs that help with online fitness programs but all those

General Fitness Training Plan – Easy Workout Plan for Beginners

Achieving fitness isn’t tough these days. Thanks to the internet and numerous online fitness tutorials that are available to almost everybody. But the real problem starts here. With the enormous data about fitness and workout plans, you might get confused about where to start and what to start. Especially if you are a beginner and excited to start off doing fitness workouts at home where no one can guide you in lifting weights, you need to be extra careful. Hopefully, this article helps you with easy workout plans that you can start right away. But before that, you need to know some basics of the general fitness training program . Like you have your fitness goals in mind, fitness training programs have some aims. Make sure your goals and those aims match with each other. If not, you may have to look for an alternative workout plan for the next level. The goals of fitness training programs are as follows: Build coordination Improve Flexibility Increase Balance Boost Strength Apart fro

Fitness Training Programs – What does a Fitness Training Program Consist of?

Whether your fitness goal is to lose weight, gain muscle strength or just being fit there are a handful of workouts and fitness training programs that work best. Still, your confusion about which plan to choose or where to start is quite natural when you are training at home. Most people working out at home either leave their fitness training in midway or just the second day. Because they hadn’t found the right workout programs from home and there is no watchful eye to guide. So, what if there is a guide that teaches you where, when and what to start in order to achieve your fitness goals? It will be cool right? Hopefully, this article helps you with useful information about fitness training programs and what actually does a fitness training program consist of. So, shall we get started?  Generally, the goal of any f itness training program is to provide you core strength, balance, flexibility, and fat loss. However many other health benefits are followed. Let's have a look into

Fitness Training Types - Different Methods of Fitness Training you Should Know

Most people struggle to achieve fitness though they are engaged with some or the other fitness training programs . Only fewer people see the results in a shorter time. The reason is quite simple, they follow the rules and listen to their body. It is not about how much time you are spending in your home gym or on the roads, running. It is all about how your body is responding to what you are doing.  With plenty of fitness tips available on the internet today, people are becoming overwhelmed. They are either trying whatever the fitness workouts they’ve discovered on the internet or getting engaged to a single type of fitness program they have loved. But neither of those works. If you are really serious about being fit, you need to decide what exactly you want. There are different types of fitness methods that work for different people based on their strengths and goals. This article helps you with 4 different methods of fitness training which you should know. But before that, you need t

Importance of Fitness Training

Everybody deserves to be fit no matter what the age, gender, and BMI.  Being physically fit not only gains you great short-term results like high energy levels or fat loss but also fights long term diseases such as few types of cancer and diabetes. This is why fitness training has gained momentum in recent years.  Simply put, people who practice physical exercises every day for at least 30 minutes are proved to be fit and strong both physically, and mentally. Therefore, the importance of fitness is unmeasurable. That doesn’t mean exercising does miracles and promotes your lifespan all at once. But it indeed helps you lead a healthy and happy life. And health is the greatest wealth one can have, don’t you agree? For instance, people who don’t exercise regularly are less likely to have strong immunity and strength, hence they fall sick easily and take a longer time to recover from injuries. A person who is not healthy and often feels sick cannot have a peaceful mind. After all body and

How can regular exercise improve your health

 There is no doubt, the secret to better health is of course regular exercise. Most people overlook exercise as a weight loss program, but actually there are myriad benefits with regular exercise. Moreover, from each new research, experts are discovering amazing advantages from regular exercise.  Did you know exercising regularly for at least 30 minutes a day adds more healthy years to your life? Also, one who exercises regularly is less prone to chronic diseases, strokes, and depression. It promotes physical, mental and emotional well-being. Thus results of regular exercise or physical activity are always beyond what you see. It helps teens and kids to grow stronger, adults to promote their overall life and seniors to stay young. As there are many awesome health benefits with regular exercise, it doesn’t mean you should need to go to the gym or join an online yoga class to exercise. You could do it at your living room, home gym or even on your way to the office or in the of

5 benefits of strength training

 If there exists a fitness training program that gets you stronger, fitter and helps you fight chronic diseases and protects muscle mass, bone health while keeping off your weight, then it is Strength training. Strength training is also called resistance training or weight training which involves challenging physical exercises like crossfit . As said already, strength training provides numerous benefits for ones' who are training regularly. It doesn't just make you look and feel striking but provides you with many exciting advantages over time. To make it more understandable for you, we have discussed 5 top benefits of strength training below.  The main reason behind why strength training has become so popular and one of the most recommended is that it brings a bag of benefits all at once to people of any age and intensifies them with enough strength. So that one can carry their everyday activities that involve weights pretty easily.  Five Benefits of Strength Tr